Bàsquet a pèl Nude basketball
que és una llàstima que avui en dia no poguem
veure els
esportistes actuant i competint nus, tal com era normal a l'antiga
Grècia. La roba obstaculitza i oculta la visió de
músculs, tendons, nervis i venes en acció i ens
contemplar tots aquests elements en un conjunt fascinant, mentre el
jugador fa moviments i gestos dotats d'una gran bellesa.
I think it's a shame that these days we cannot watch athletes acting and competing nude, as was normal in ancient Greece. Clothing obstructs and hides the view of muscles, tendons, nerves and veins, in motion, and it impedes the contemplation of all those elements in a facinating concert as the player makes movements and gestures endowed with great beauty. For this reason, when my friend Floren proposed that I photograph the players of the basketball team Santa Margarida i els Monjos (Catalonia) I took advantage of the opportunity to give expression to this idea. My objective was to illustrate a 2006 calendar with these photos and distribute it commercially, with the profits going to the team. The product was a considerable succes and constitued my first incursion into the field of nude art.
© Eloi Biosca - www.nus.cat